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   Safety and efficacy
 Our systematic review of all ADRC clinical trials (70 studies, 1474 patients) show safety of ADRC treatment.
Phase 1 preliminary efficacy is promising.
IFD‐Grand Solutions 2017‐Sheikh/CVR
        Toyserkani et al. Stem Cell Trans Med 2017. In revision.
      The excellence in the project
 We are the first to employ freshly isolated ADRC’s to treat Lymphedema (LymphREG), Erectile Dysfunction (EDCorrect) and to bioengineer autologous vessels on decellularized scaffolds (BioVessel).
We employ regenerative medicine to obtain long lasting disease improvement while current treatment is symptomatic only.
Discovery through doing. We will have a unique opportunity to be world leaders in implementation of stem cell treatments.
IFD‐Grand Solutions 2017‐Sheikh/CVR
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