Page 36 - PCC06
P. 36
• Japan’sgovernmentstartedpre‐marriageinitiativesandfertility awareness as countermeasures to its low fertility rates.
• Fertilityawarenessinitiativesincludestudenteducation,educational comics, workplace lectures, and ceremonies.
• Althougheffectsofthepolicyhavenotbeenevaluatedyet,
– fertility education is generally effective, at least in the short term.
– media coverage seems to be partly effective to increase fertility knowledge. – fertility education increases anxiety among those who hope to have children.
• Futurechallengestofertilityeducationinclude – support for single people who hope to have children.
THANK YOU: Prof. Jacky Boivin, Cardiff University
Junsai (watershield) picking in Akita, Japan
This study was funded by National Center for Child Health and Development, Seiiku Medical Study Grant (24‐6), the Daiwa Foundation Small Grant, JSPS KAKENHI Grant (26‐1591 and 16H06647), and Pfizer Health Research Foundation Grant for Young Scientists.
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