Page 70 - PCC05
P. 70
Do we provide nutritional support for HG?
RCOG guideline: no mention ACOG Practice Bulletin: no mention
- 19 hospitals in the Netherlands
- Eligible women in 5th-20th week, in hospital or outpatient for rehydration
- Control: standard rehydration and antiemetics
- Intervention: addition of early tube feeding >7 days
- Primary outcome birth weight
- Secondary outcome severity of symptoms, duration hospital admission, QoL
- No difference in any of the outcomes
- Poorly tolerated
Long term effects of HG
For mother
- 20% PTSS
- 16 to 80% recurrence rate
For offspring
- 3-fold increase in HG in their own future pregnancies
- Impaired insuline glucose metabolism
- Smaller head circumference
- No effects on neuropsychiatric outcomes among teenage offspring
- Increased blood pressure
- No effects on BMI
Page 64 of 135
Grooten et al, AJCN, 2017
Dean et al, submitted
Koot et al, submitted 2018 Koot et al, BJOG 2017 Grooten et al, BJOG 2014 29 Ayyavoo et al, JCEM 2013
PresentationAMC.pptx PresentationAMC.pptx