Page 116 - PCC05
P. 116
Adverse events of LMWH during pregnancy
• Needles
• Itching and bumps ≈ 25%
• Bleeding
• Neuraxial anaesthesia
• Costs
Bank, Thromb Res 2004; Schindewolf J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013; Schultinge Neth J Med 2013; TIPPS, ALIFE studies
Aspirin for unexplained pregnancy loss
1228 women with
• one pregnancy loss in previous year < 20 weeks (2/3)
• two prior losses (1/3)
each study arm
No effect of aspirin
• 43% did not have prior live births
Live birth rate 82% and 82%
• 82% of women who became pregnant had a live birth in
Schisterman, Lancet 2014
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