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  Concerning gestational age...
• Beyond 70 days gestation, an MSD >18mm and no embryo was 100 percent specific for miscarriage
• Beyond 70 days gestation, an embryo with CRL > or equal 3mm without heart activity was 100 percent specific for miscarriage
Prospective observational multicentre study.Preisler et all. BMJ 2015;101hh1579 | doi1 02.00;6/bmj.hh1579
      Criteria for diagnosis of miscarriage: current protocol
 MSD ≥ 25mm and no embryo
 Absence of an embryo with FHB and/or
No doubling of MSD measurements ≥ 2 weeks after a TVS that showed a MSD ≤ 12mm
 Absence of an embryo with a FHB > 1week after a TVS that showed a MSD > 12mm
 Absence of an embryo with a FHB ≥ 7 days after a TVS that showed an embryo without FHB
 CRL ≥ 7mm and no FHB
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