Page 291 - FINAL PROGRAMME 2017
P. 291

P-620 PGS2.0 signi cantly decreases the miscarriage rate while maintaining similar live birth rate per oocyte retrieval cycle compared to conventional IVF/ICSI among women aged above 36
H. He1,2,3, K. Luo1,2, Y. Peng2, S. Zhang1,2, C.H. Lu1,2, F. Gong1,2, G. Lu1,2,3, G. Lin1,2,3
1Institute of Reproductive & Stem Cell Engineering- School of basic medicine- Central south university, Reproductive department, Changsha, China
2Reproductive & Genetic Hospital of CITIC-XIANGYA, Clinical department, Changsha, China
3Key laboratory of Reproductive & Stem Cell Engineering- Ministry of Health, Central laboratory, Changsha, China
P-621 Risk assessment for three way translocation (TWT) carriers
E. Armenti1, T. Escudero2, S. Munne3
1Reprogenetics, Genetic Counseling, Livingston, U.S.A. 2Reprogenetics, Laboratory, Livingston, U.S.A. 3Reprogenetics, Chief Scienti c Of cer, Livingston, U.S.A.
P-622 A validated approach to detect balanced chromosome abnormality based next generation sequencing at single cell level
Y. Xie1, J. Xia2, P. Liu2, F. Xu2, X. Zhao2, J. Xu2, Q. Li2, Q. Shi2, Y. Qiu2, D. Chen2, Z. Zhu2, L. Xie2, F. Chen2 11BGI Education Center, University of Chinese Academy of Science, Shenzhen 518083, China 2BGI-ShenZhen, R&D, ShenZhen, China
P-623 Genetical analysis of extra X in Klinefelter Syndrome:47XXY
A. Tanaka1, M. Nagayoshi1, T. Yamaguchi1, T. Ichiyama1, M. Ohno1, S. Watanabe2
1Saint Mother Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kitakyushu, Japan
2Hirosaki University Graduate school of Medicine, Department of Anatomical Science, Hirosaki, Japan
P-624 Why do euploid embryos miscarry? A study analysing the factors of euploid embryo transfer(ET) diagnosed with comprehensive chromosome screening(CCS) that resulted miscarriage or ongoing pregnancy
F.K. Boynukalin1, M. Gultomruk2, N. Findikli3, M. Bahceci1
1Bahceci Health Group, IVF Department, Istanbul, Turkey
2Bahceci Health Group, Research and Development, Istanbul, Turkey 3Bahceci Health Group, Embryology Laboratory, Istanbul, Turkey
P-625 single cell rapid testing technique for preimplantation genetic screening on the BGISEQ-50
Q. Shi1, F. Chen1, P. Liu1, D. Chen1, Y. Qiu1, J. Xia1, Z. Zhu1, L. Xie1 1BGI-Shenzhen, R&D, Shenzhen, China
P-626 Inconclusive PGS results: go for a second biopsy!
M. Parriego1, L. Coll1, M. Boada1, F. Vidal2, S. Mateo1, B. Coroleu1, A. Veiga1
1Hospital Universitari Dexeus, Department of Obstetrics- Gynaecology and Reproduction, Barcelona, Spain
2Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament de Biologia Cel.lular- Fisiologia i Immunologia, Bellaterra, Spain

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