Page 150 - FINAL PROGRAMME 2017
P. 150

10:00 - 11:45 Room B
Session 64: Patterns of genetic diversity
Chairman: E. Coonen (The Netherlands) Chairman: S. Makinen (Finland)
10:00 O-242
10:15 O-243
Pro ling of human spermatozoal non-coding RNA to determine the male contribution to embryonic implantation potential
P. Chung1, N. Pereira1, A. Parrella1, S. Cheung1, Z. Rosenwaks1, G. Palermo1
1Weill Cornell Medicine, The Ronald O. Perelman and Claudia Cohen Center for Reproductive Medicine, New York, U.S.A.
Identi cation of extracellular vesicles in human oviductal  uid and small non-coding RNAs pro ling
S. Canovas1, A. Canha1, J. Romero-Aguirregomezcorta1,2, M.T. Prieto3, P. Coy1
1Universidad de Murcia-Campus Mare Nostrum. IMIB-Arrixaca-UMU, Physiology of Reproduction Group- Physiology Department, Murcia, Spain
2Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Departamento de Producción Animal- Facultad de Veterinaria, Alfara del Patriarca- Valencia, Spain
3Universidad de Murcia-Campus Mare Nostrum. IMIB-Arrixaca-UMU, Departamento de Cirugía- Pediatría- Obstetricia y Ginecología. Facultad de Medicina, Murcia, Spain
Investigation of possible incompatibilities between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes that affect preimplantation embryo development
R. Jawdat1, S. Sengupta2, N. Lane3
1University College - Medical School, Institute of Women's Health, London, United Kingdom 2Institute for Women's Health, Genetics, London, United Kingdom
3UCL, Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment
10:30 O-244

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