P. 190
Reproductive surgery
P-773 Hysteroscopic septum resection versus expectant management for women with a septate uterus
J. Rikken (The Netherlands)
P-774 Proin ammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1 in pelvic peritoneal adhesions of various etiology at reproductive age women
G. Sulima (Russia C.I.S.)
P-775 The experience of absorbable knotless wound closure device used in laparoscopic myomectomy
C. Chan (Taiwan R.O.C.)
P-776 Risk factors for parasitic myoma after use of morcellator in laparoscopic myomectomy: multicenter experience and literature review
E. Bratila (Romania)
P-777 Copper intrauterine device improves pregnancy outcome in women with repeated implantation failure
X. Mao (China)
P-778 Clinical ef cacy of modi ed adenomyomectomy in infertile women with adenomyosis
S.H. Yoon (Korea, South)
P-779 The optimal number of embryo transferred for patients with didelphys uterus: following 115 cases after in vitro fertilization embryo transfer (IVF-ET)
Y. YI (China)
P-780 Histeroscopic treatment for infertility women: Myosure
F.J. Martinez Cortes (Spain)
P-781 Frequency of endometrial cancer and atypical hyperplasia in infertile women undergoing hysteroscopic endometrial polypectomy
Y. Kuribayshi (Japan)
P-782 Three-month treatment with ulipristal acetate prior to laparoscopic myomectomy of large uterine myomas
C. Bondi (Italy)
P-783 Laparoscopic guided tubal catheterisation for proximal fallopian tube occlusion. A retrospective cohort study
J. Chu (United Kingdom)