P. 164
P-483 Novel extracellular-like matrices and leukemia inhibiting factor for the in vitro culture of human primordial follicles
R. Abir (Israel)
P-484 The effects of the cancer drug Cyclophosphamide on mouse fertility
M. Koike (Japan)
P-485 Antral follicle responsiveness to exogenous FSH assessed by the Follicular Output RaTe (FORT) is altered in Hodgkin lymphoma patients in comparison with breast cancer
M. Comtet (France)
P-486 Exploring the fertility potential of GV-retrieved oocytes for future fertility preservation
W.L.J. Phoon (Republic of Singapore)
P-487 Moues fresh and vitri ed ovarian tissue transplantation under in uence of the static magnetic eld
R. Fathi (Iran)
P-488 Administration of a GnRH agonist during chemotherapy for breast cancer reduces ovarian toxicity in women aged under 40 years
R. Anderson (United Kingdom)
P-489 Comparison of GnRH agonist (GnRHa) and hCG for priming before in vitro maturation (IVM) and oocyte vitri cation in cancer patients undergoing urgent fertility preservation (FP)
C. Sonigo (France)
P-490 Effects of slow-freezing and vitri cation on quality of human spermatozoa
N. Sayme (Germany)
P-491 Letrozole co-administration does not alter antral follicle responsiveness to exogenous FSH assessed by the Follicular Output RaTe (FORT) in breast cancer patients seeking fertility preservation.
M. Grynberg (France)
P-492 Sphingosine 1-Phosphate does not improve mice follicle culture survival after treatment with cyclophosphamide
A. Anastácio (Sweden)