P. 158
P-408 Subcutaneous aqueous versus vaginal progesterone gel for luteal phase support in intrauterine insemination cycles: a pilot randomized, controlled trial
R. Venturella (Italy)
P-409 The in uence of initiation of progesterone supplementation in IVF-ET outcome – a prospective, randomized, controlled trial
J. Gao (China)
P-410 A retrospective cohort study to investigate AMH-tailored optimisation of controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF cycles
O. Rustamov (United Kingdom)
P-411 How low can you go? – Cutoff limit for IUI in mill/ml
L. Zierau (Denmark)
P-412 New ndings on acute immunomodulatory changes during controlled-ovarian-stimulation.
M. Noventa (Italy)
P-413 Intra uterine insemination pregnancy outcome is not affected by a longer time interval between semen processing and insemination
C. Jansen (The Netherlands)
P-414 Operative complications and results after laparoscopic removal and transplantation of ovarian tissue: own experience in comparison with the literature
S. Findeklee (Germany)
P-415 Initial trial of a serum diagnostic pro le to predict outcome of embryo transfer
T. Edgell (Australia)
P-416 A new approach for egg collection, using a thin egg-collecting needle in a natural cycle, that produces multiple mature eggs from each follicle
S. Watanabe (Japan)
P-417 When is enough enough? Pregnancy rate and cost-effectiveness of three cycles homologous intrauterine insemination (IUI) vs. one cycle mild ovarian stimulation in vitro fertilization (IVF) A. Cissé (Denmark)
P-418 Evaluation of dose depended protective effect of resveratrol atcisplatin induced ovarian damage
Y. Bayoglu Tekin (Turkey)
P-419 Individual fertility assessment and counselling predicts prolonged time to pregnancy – a prospective two year follow-up study of 519 women
K. Birch Petersen (Denmark)
P-420 Effects on the level of hormone in micro-environment of follicular uid from advanced oxidation protein products
J. Liu (China)