P. 152
P-339 The impact of endometriomas on blastocyst euploidy in cases undergoing comprehensive chromosomal screening (CCS) for recurrent implantation failure (RIF)
F.K. Boynukalin (Turkey)
P-340 Role of epigenetic modi cation and expression of HOX genes in hypersensitivity of endometriosis and novel treatment approachs
M. Golestan Jahromi (Iran)
P-341 Signi cant improvement in endometrial thickness with use of tamoxifen citrate in case with persistently thin endometrium: a retrospective study of 52 patients
S. Singh (India)
P-342 Endometrial B-cell lymphoma 6 (BCL6) and Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) Immunostaining are prognostic factors for implantation failure in the setting of ART
S. Young (U.S.A.)
P-343 Identifying a subgroup of endometriosis patients with potential high risk for Endometriosis associated cancers
S. Vignesh P Srinivasan (Sweden)
P-344 Compartmentalized Gene Expression pro le of receptive endometrium, ENPP3- a Novel biomarker for progesterone regulated endometrial receptivity
N.R. Boggavarapu (Sweden)
P-345 Does low dose r – FSH ovarian stimulation negotiate thin endometrium problem in oocyte donation program?
A. Chimote (India)
P-346 Endometrium co-culture, 3D endometrium co-culture, 3D polymeric carrier aided endometrium co-culture: Comparative effects on implantation
S. Karahuseyinoglu (Turkey)
P-347 Enhanced endometrial receptivity and augmented live birth rate in IVF cycles is favoured by Low IL-6 levels in Follicular uid
N. Chimote (India)
P-348 Frozen-thawed embryo transfers in natural cycles with spontaneous ovulation are associated with increased clinical pregnancy rates
M. Montagut (France)
P-350 Combined mRNA microarray and proteomic analysis of endometrium of women with repeated implantation failure (RIF) and fertile controls
E. Bastu (Turkey)
P-351 NMR based metabonomics for identi cation of serum markers in women with dormant genital tuberculosis
B. Chakravarty (India)
P-352 Endometrial expression of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), LIF-Receptor and HOXA-11 but not HOXA-10 is signi cantly impaired in women with unexplained infertility during implantation window
C. Margioula-Siarkou (Greece)