P. 148
P-285 Long-term treatment of uterine broids with ulipristal acetate improves health-related Quality of Life: Findings from the PEARL-III (extension) Randomised Controlled Trial
D. Lancastle (United Kingdom)
P-286 Frozen embryo transfer (fet) in the cycle immediately after ivf/cryoall with pgd results in higher implantation rate and decreased miscarriage rate compared to deferred fet
J. Rodriguez (Mexico)
P-288 The balance between uterine CSF3/CSF3-receptor in uences fertility
T. Edgell (Australia)
P-289 Factors predicting improved success with use of Gcsf in thin endometrium
A. Pallam Reddy (India)
P-290 HOXA-10 and E-cadherin expression in women with recurrent implantation failure (RIF) and recurrent miscarriage (RM)
Y. Yang (China)
P-291 Conditioned medium of endometrial stromal cells from the implantation window, but not from proliferative phase, can enhance the proliferation and migration of trophoblast stem cells
H. Li (Taiwan R.O.C.)
P-292 Identi cation of human endometrial microRNAs associated with repeated implantation failures (RIF)
D. Haouzi (France)
P-293 Day 3 embryo transfer improves clinical pregnancy rate in ART patients over 42 years of age
T. Yoshimura (Japan)
P-294 Human endometrial receptivity-associated miRNAs: beyond the genes
Y. Antoine (France)
P-295 Endometrial Thickness does not Predict Endometrial Receptivity
D. Valbuena Perilla (Spain)
P-296 Intrafollicular PTX3 level and CCs apoptosis rate in endometriosis IVF patients
S. Cesarano (Italy)
P-297 Changes in spontaneous behavior in rats with surgically induced endometriosis during different phases of the estrous cycle
A.W. Nap (The Netherlands)
P-298 Recurrent implantation failure: Association with single nucleotide polymorphisms
A. Renzi (Brazil)
P-299 Endometrial thickness is not an independent predictor of live birth in IVF: should we stop measuring it during monitoring of the cycle?
G. Griesinger (Germany)