P. 142
P-208 Clinical validation of eeva test when the embryos are cultured in embryoscope instead of standard incubator
M. De Las Heras Martinez (Spain)
P-209 Effect of antioxidants addition on the redox sate in vitri ed/warmed human oocytes: preliminary results
M.D.M. Nohales Corcoles (Spain)
P-210 High gonadotropin dosage does not affect euploidy and pregnancy rates in PGT cycles
O. Barash (U.S.A.)
P-211 Inter-observer agreement between embryologists during selection of a single blastocyst for transfer: a multicenter study
A. Storr (Australia)
P-212 Elective vs non-elective fresh Single Blastocyst Transfer (SBT) in women aged 35-40 years
J. Hasson (Canada)
P-213 The availability of time-lapse (TL) analysis proves the relationship between morphokinetics and outcomes in IVM with PCOS
H. Yoon (Korea, South)
P-214 Predictive model to determine the optimal number of fresh versus vitri ed oocytes to obtain similar implantation and live birth rates in a donor oocyte program
M. Calonge (Chile)
P-215 Antinuclear antibody of discrete speckled immuno uorescence staining pattern is associated with polypronuclear fertilization
A. Ohtani (Japan)
P-216 Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4 in endometrial epithelium is involved in embryonic implantation
M. Dong (China)
P-217 Asymmetric division in the rst cleavage of human fertilized oocytes observed by high- resolution time-lapse cinematography and its negative impacts on further developmental potential
K. Iwata (Japan)
P-218 Cytokine GM-CSF in day 3 spent culture drops decides the fate of embryonic development to blastocyst stage & quality of blastocyst
N. Chimote (India)
P-219 Determination of morphological variables during embryo culture that explain the human blastocyst development through model selection algorithms
P. Lopez Duarte (Mexico)
P-220 Morphodynamic observations at the 2-cell stage can be correlated to the occurence of direct cleavage from 2 to 5 cells
B. Balaban (Turkey)