P. 128

P-039 Toll Like Receptors signaling pathway PCR array in Recurrent Implantaion Failure patient with high and low Sperm DNA damage
Z. Zandieh (Iran)
P-040 Does the number of veins ligated during microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy in uence semen and hormone outcome?
S. Al Said (Qatar)
P-041 Spermatozoa with both abnormal chromatin condensation and large nuclear vacuoles seem to have a negative in uence on clinical outcomes, in oocytes-donation cycles with repeated failures
E. Iovine (Italy)
P-042 Human seminal plasma of different men induce different power of uterine contractility in a uterus perfusion model
I. Hoffmann (Germany)
P-043 Calretinin increases androgen production in testicular Leydig cells
X. Wendan (China)
P-044 Clinical outcome in intracytoplamic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles using testicular sperm in post chemotherapy non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA)
T. Ishikawa (Japan)
P-045 The application of 3-methyladenine with lithium chloride increases the detrimental effects of lithium chloride on sperm number and motility
M. Erguven (Turkey)
P-046 Testicular endocrine patterns in young boys operated for cryptorchidism
T. Almont (France)
P-047 Hydrogen molecule treatment enhances ATP production in human spermatozoa
K. Nakata (Japan)
P-048 Patients with Sertoli cell-only syndrome combining with seminiferous tubule hyalinization have higher sperm retrieval rate when micro-TESE was performed
J. Zhang (China)
P-049 Interleukin-18 and apoptosis of mice Leydig cell during lipopolysaccharide-induced acute in ammatory condition
T. Inoue (Japan)
P-050 Assessment of sperm motility in oligoasthenospermic men, treated with metabolic and essential nutrients, in a randomized, double blind, placebo study
S. Micic (Serbia)
P-051 Outcome of testicular sperm extraction in 52 spinal cord injured-men
K. Suzuki (Japan)

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