Page 94 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 94
11:00 O-125
11:15 O-126
MRI features correlate significantly with histological level of infiltration in the bowel wall in colorectal endometriosis.
L.M.M. Fassaert1, A.A. De Graaff1, M. Maas2, F.C.H. Bakers2, L.F.S. Kooreman3,
G.A.J. Dunselman1
1Maastricht University Medical Centre, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Maastricht, The Netherlands 2Maastricht University Medical Centre, Radiology, Maastricht, The Netherlands
3Maastricht University Medical Centre, Pathology, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Pain and quality of life assessment in ART patients suffering from endometriosis (OSIS): Prospective controlled study
M. Bourdon1, P. Santulli1, M. Presse1, V. Gayet1, L. Marcellin1, V. Blanchet1, L. Marcellin1,
V. Gonnot1, D. De Ziegler1, C. Chapron1
1cochin institute, gynecology and reproductive medicine, Paris, France

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