Page 235 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 235
P-459 Introduction of social network analysis into the field of fertility preservation
C.C.M. Beerendonk1, O. Baysal1, J. Koetsenruijter2, D.D.M. Braat1, W.L.D.M. Nelen1
1Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum, Scientific Institute for Quality in Healthcare, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
P-460 To freeze or not to freeze: analysis of socio-demographic characteristics between women undergoing social freezing and those only asking for information
R. Vassena1, D. García2, O. Coll1, A. Rodríguez1, V. Vernaeve1
1Clínica EUGIN, Barcelona, Spain 2Fundació Privada EUGIN, Barcelona, Spain
P-461 fertility preservation (fp) and assisted reproductive technology (art) for breast cancer patients (bcp)
K. Kyono1, K. Sato1, M. Kuchiki1, M. Hattori1, K. Moniwa1, E. Sakamoto1, Y. Nakajo1, H. Hattori1, M. Doshida1, M. Toya1, M. Ono2, A. Tanaka2, T. Hashimoto2, T. Okuda2, T. Takeuchi2
1Kyono ART Clinic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sendai, Japan
2Kyono ART Clinic Takanawa, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tokyo, Japan
P-462 Effect of local basic fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor on subcutaneously allotransplanted ovarian tissue in ovariectomized mice
J. Gao1, J. Yan1, Y. Huang1, M. Li1, H. Zhao1, Y. Zhao1, R. Li1, Y. Yu1, J. Qiao1
1Peking university third hospital, Center of Reproductive Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Beijing, China
P-463 Short-term hypothermic preservation of human testicular tissue: the effect of storage medium and storage period
K. Faes1, Y. Baert1, E. Goossens1
1Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Biology of the Testis, Jette, Belgium
P-464 Maturation of human oocytes obtained from small antral follicles during processing of ovarian tissue for cryopreservation.
D.A. Gook1, R.B. Gilchrist2, J.G. Thompson3, D.G. Mottershead3, D.H. Edgar1
1The Women's Hospital, Reproductive Services/ Melbourne IVF, Parkville Victoria, Australia 2University of New South Wales, School of Women's & Children's Health, Sydney NSW, Australia
3The Robinson Research Institute University of Adelaide, Research Centre for Reproductive Health, Adelaide SA, Australia
P-465 Correlates of women's intentions to use fertility preservation to prevent age-related fertility decline
A. Ter Keurst1, J. Boivin2, S. Gameiro2
1Radboud University, Radboud Honours Academy, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2University of Cardiff, Cardiff Fertility studies School of Psychology, Cardiff, United Kingdom