Page 227 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
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P-422 Association between serum folate and vitamin B12 and success of assisted reproductive technologies
A.J. Gaskins1, Y. Chiu1, P.L. Williams2, T.L. Toth3, R. Hauser4, J.E. Chavarro1
1Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Nutrition, Boston MA, U.S.A. 2Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics, Boston MA, U.S.A.
3Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Vincent Obstetrics and Gynecology, Boston MA, U.S.A.
4Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health, Boston MA, U.S.A.
P-423 Gram staining, PCR or PNA FISH analysis for detection and classification of Bacterial Vaginosis - a prospective study in a Danish IVF setting
T. Haahr1, L. Thomsen2, H.O. Elbaek2, R. Jakubcionyte2, K. Rygaard3, L.M. Duus4, J.S. Jensen5, P. Humaidan2
1Clinical Medicine Aarhus University, The Fertility Clinic Skive, Aarhus C, Denmark
2Clinical Medicine Aarhus University, The Fertility Clinic Skive, Skive, Denmark
3The Fertility Clinic Trianglen, The Fertility Clinic Trianglen, Copenhagen, Denmark
4Clinical Medicine Aarhus University, Clinical Microbiological department MIDT/VEST, Herning/ Viborg, Denmark
5Statens Serum Institute, Sexually transmitted diseases, Copenhagen, Denmark
P-424 Does the endometrial secretory immunomodulatory profile differ between women with recurrent implantation failure (RIF) and fertile controls? A case control study.
L. Stocker1, J. Chan2, Y.H. Lee3, Y. Cheong4
1University of Southampton, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Southampton, United Kingdom
2KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Reproductive Medicine, Southampton, Singapore Rep. of 3SMART, BioSyM, Singapore, Singapore Rep. of
4University of Southampton, Complete Fertility, Southampton, United Kingdom
P-425 Activator of fatty acid metabolism (AICAR) improves maturation rate, but affects spindle formation and chromosome integrity in in vitro maturing denuded mouse oocytes
U. Eichenlaub-Ritter1, I. Betzendahl1, T. Trapphoff1, C. Drechsler1, M. Heiligentag1
1University Bielefeld, Gentechnology/Microbiology, Bielefeld, Germany
P-426 High response to Clomiphen citrate in intrauterine insemination cycles when converted into ‘rescue’ IVF results in higher implantation rates compared to minimal stimulation IVF cycles A.N. Chimote1, B.N. Chimote2, N.N. Chimote2, N.M. Nath3, N.M. Chimote4
1Vaunshdhara Clinic and Assisted Conception Centre, Gynecology, Nagpur, India 2Vaunshdhara Clinic and Assisted Conception Centre, Embryology, Nagpur, India 3Vaunshdhara Clinic and Assisted Conception Centre, Biochemistry, Nagpur, India 4Vaunshdhara Clinic and Assisted Conception Centre, Endocrinology, Nagpur, India