Page 217 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
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P-365 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as a new tool to assess molecular changes of human Granulosa Cells induced by endometriosis
G. Gioacchini1, E. Sereni2, C. Zacà2, V. Notarstefano1, L. Vaccari3, E. Giorgini1, A. Borini2
1Polytechnic University of Marche, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Ancona, Italy 2Tecnobios Procreazione, Center of Reproductive Health, Bologna, Italy
3Elettra Synchrotron, SISSI Beamline, Trieste, Italy
P-366 Perfusion of intralipids may be an alternative treatment to control an endometrial over-immune activation resistant to corticoids in patients with previous repeated embryo implantation failures. M. Petitbarat1, M. Rahmati2, F. Turki3, A. Metni3, R. Balet3, S. Dubanchet2, K. Vezmar1,
L. Chevrier1, H. Gahery2, A. Bensussan2, N. Ledee1
1MatriceLab Innove, Hopital Saint Louis, Paris, France 2INSERM UMRS 976, Hopital Saint Louis, Paris, France 3Service de PMA, Hopital des Bluets, Paris, France
P-367 In vitro differentiation of human endometrial stromal cells: effect of endocannabinoids in insulin- like growth factor-binding protein-1 and prolactin levels
B.M. Fonseca1, M. Diniz-da-Costa2, G. Correia-da-Silva1, M. Almada1, M.A. Costa1, N.A. Teixeira1
1UCIBIO REQUIMTE Laboratório de Bioquímica, Departamento Ciências Biológicas Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
2Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Biologia, Porto, Portugal
P-368 A Comparison of Hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) and Hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography (HyCoSy) in the assessment of tubal patency
S. Lim1, H. Rajesh1, J. Jung1, S.L. Yu1
1Singapore General Hospital, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Singapore, Singapore Rep. of
P-369 VIP induces the decidualization program on human endometrial stromal cells and conditions dendritic cells profile
E. Grasso1, S. Gori2, D. Paparini1, G. Salamone2, G. Martinez3, M. Irigoyen3, C. Ruhlmann3, C. Pérez Leirós1, R. Ramhorst1
1IQUIBICEN-CONICET, Immunopharmacology Laboratory. School of Sciences University of Buenos Aires., C.A.B.A., Argentina
2Institute of Experimental Medicine National Academy of Sciences, Immunology Laboratory, C.A.B.A., Argentina
3Instituto de Fertilidad San Isidro (IMAC), C.A.B.A., Argentina