Page 214 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 214
P-350 Review of performance of patients with endometriosis in in-vitro-fertilisation (IVF) as compared to tubal factor infertility-Retrospective Cohort study
M. Bapir1, H. Mostafa2
1The James Cook University Hospital, Obstetric and Gynaecology, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
2North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, Obstetric and Gynaecology, Stockton-on-Tees, United Kingdom
P-351 miRNA expression of the endocervix as a biomarker for endometrium receptivity in patients undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technologies
F.P. Rodrigues1, T.C.S. Bonetti2, F. Vigo2, C.V. Carvalho2, R. Fraietta3, E.L.A. Motta4
1Huntington – Reproductive Medicine / Gynecology Department of Federal University of Sao Paulo, Clinical / Gynecology-endocrinology Discipline, São Paulo, Brazil
2Gynecology Department of Federal University of Sao Paulo, Gynecology-endocrinology Discipline, São Paulo, Brazil
3Urology Department of Federal University of Sao Paulo, Human Reproduction Sector, São Paulo, Brazil
4Huntington – Reproductive Medicine / Gynecology Department of Federal University of Sao Paulo, Head of Clinical / Gynecology-endocrinology Discipline, São Paulo, Brazil
P-352 Ethanol sclerotherapy of ovarian endometriomas before IVF: long term data on safety and efficacy.
C. Yazbeck1, S. Cohen Scali1, A.L. Margulies1, S. Falcone1, V. Kahn1, C. Gout1, C. Patrat1, D. Luton1, P. Madelenat1
1Bichat Claude Bernard University Hospital, Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Paris, France
P-353 Correlation between the ultrasound elastographic features of endometriotic rectovaginal nodules infiltrating the rectum and symptoms
N. Bizzarri1, V. Ghirardi1, I. Erasmo1, F. Sozzi1, A. Racca1, S. Ferrero1
1IRCCS San Martino Hospital and National Institute for Cancer Research University of Genoa, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit, Genova, Italy
P-354 Old and new “protagonists” on the ultrasound “scene” for the diagnosis of deep pelvic endometriosis: evidence-based algorithm based on systematic literature review and meta- analysis.
M. Quaranta1, S. Gizzo2, M. Noventa2, A. Vitagliano2, C. Zicchina2, F. Esposito2, B. Abdulrahim3, C.J. Aldrich3, M. Gangemi2, G.B. Nardelli2, A. Andrisani2, C. Saccardi2
1Universita' Degli Studi Di Verona, OB/GYN Unit, Verona, Italy 2University of Padua, Woman and Child Health, Padua, Italy
3NHS Trust - Northampton General Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northampton, United Kingdom

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