Page 180 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 180
P-140 A non-invasive approach for the early prediction of spontaneous abortion following positive pregnancy test by MALDI ToF Mass spectral profiling of maternal urine in early pregnancy S.A. Butler1, R.K. Iles1, F.I. Sharara2
1MAP Diagnostics, R&D, London, United Kingdom
2Virginia Center for Reproductive Medicine, ART, Reston VA, U.S.A.
P-141 Decoy receptor 3 ameliorates recurrent spontaneous abortion by directly counteracting local inflammation and downregulating Th17 cells
Y.L. Liu1, F.W. Chang1, G.J. Wu1, H.K. Sytwu2
1Tri-service General Hospital National Defense Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
2National Defense Medical Center, Department and Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
P-142 Soluble HLA-G as a non-invasive biomarker from ovulation to early pregnancy in assisted reproduction
G. Filippini-Cattaneo1, D. Bortolotti2, S. Spalvieri1, A. Rotola2, M. Jemec3, T. Suter3, M. Bellavia3, D. Di Luca2, R. Rizzo2
1ProcreaLab, human genetic laboratory, Lugano, Switzerland 2University of Ferrara, Dep of medical sciences, Ferrara, Italy 3Procrea, fertility center, Lugano, Switzerland
P-143 Perinatal results after IVF/ICSI. A prospective study
N. Pérez Martinez1, P. Suarez-Gil2, S. Garcia1, D. Llaneza-Suarez3, J.L. Solis Sanchez1, P. Llaneza4
1Cabueñes Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gijon, Spain 2Cabueñes Hospital, Epidemiologist, Gijon, Spain
3Cefiva, Embriologist, Oviedo, Spain
4Central Asturias Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oviedo, Spain
P-144 The effect of Tokishakuyaku-san on the expression of transcription factors T-bet/GATA-3 in human decidual NK cells in early pregnancy
Z.Y. Huang1, W. Fan1, Q.H. Ma1, S.W. Li1
1West China Second University Hospital Sichuan University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Reproductive medical centre, Chengdu, China
P-145 Marked improvement in the success rate of medical management of early pregnancy failure (EPF) in clinical practice after dose optimization and clinician education
V. Colleselli1, C. Brunner1, T. Bartosik1, A. Ciresa-Koenig1, L. Wildt2, B. Seeber1
1Medical University of Innsbruck, Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria
2Medical University Innsbruck, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Innsbruck, Austria